Ignorance Maps

Simple algorithms to display ignorance maps of raw data accessed from species observation databases: the Swedish LifeWatch implementation

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Here you can download an interactive HTML application compiled in R that accompanies the text: Ruete A. 2015. Displaying sampling bias on raw data accessed from biodiversity databases using ignorance maps. Biodiversity Data Journal 3:e5361.

This interactive application exemplifies the use of three algorithms to map the ignorance (i.e. lack of sampling effort) found in the observations accessed through the Swedish LifeWatch biodiversity analysis portal.

To run it you will need R http://www.r-project.org/ with the following packages installed: shiny, raster, rgdal, and maptools.

  install.packages(c("shiny", "raster", "rgdal", "maptools"))

NOTE: there are some known issues when installing the package "rgdal" on Linux. Please, refer to this blog http://robinlovelace.net/r/2013/11/26/installing-rgdal-on-ubuntu.html or this blog https://philmikejones.wordpress.com/2014/07/14/installing-rgdal-in-r-on-linux/ to solve the issue.

Execute the following script in R to run the interactive application.

   shiny::runGitHub(repo="IgnoranceMaps", username="alejandroruete", subdir="SLWapp")

Alternatively, download the files and run the following scripts. All data required to run this script is provided in the ZIP file.The structure of this folder should be kept as is.

   runApp("~/SLWapp") # where ~ indicates the path of the folder.
   runApp("~/SLWapp",display.mode = "showcase") # Use this command to see the R code

Running the Application

Once the application is running and you see the maps of Sweden, refer to the the Read Me tab for further explanations.

Authors and Contributors

Application developed by Alejandro Ruete (@aleruete) in Dec 2014. Licence GNU v.3 DOI: dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.17593